Melatonin Profile; saliva Melatonin Profile; saliva Melatonin Profile; saliva

Melatonin Profile; saliva

The Melatonin Profile provides a snapshot of the sleep/wake cycle during a one day period. This profile (also can be added on to any saliva profile) is recommended for those experiencing sleep disturbances. [ LEARN MORE]

Useful for:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Fatigue

Turnaround Time

3 to 5 days

Note: Turnaround times on results are an estimate and are not guaranteed. The lab may need additional time due to holidays, confirmation/repeat testing, etc. You can contact us to discuss when your results should be ready.

Analytes Tested

Click any analyte name for additional clinical information, including reference ranges, specimen collection, stability and rejection criteria.

List price applies when filing with insurance or Medicare, or when billing a patient directly. Prompt payment pricing applies when billing to a physician account or prepayment is received with the test.

Doctor's Data offers profiles containing multiple analytes. *Multiple analytes may be billed under a single CPT code. Many analytes can be ordered individually. Pricing may vary. Click on a specific analyte for more information or read our detailed billing and payment policies.

The CPT codes listed on our website are for informational purposes only. This information is our interpretation of CPT coding requirements and may not necessarily be correct. You are advised to consult the CPT Coding Manual published by the American Medical Association. Doctor's Data, Inc. takes no responsibility for billing errors due to your use of any CPT information from our website.

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Detailed Information

Many people are familiar with melatonin because of its influence on sleep. Healthy melatonin curves help positively influence the initiation and maintenance of quality sleep cycles, and disruptions in melatonin curves, commonly referred to as phase shifts, may present clinically as disordered sleep patterns.

Melatonin and cortisol share an inverse relationship – when melatonin levels are low, cortisol levels should be high and vice versa. However, just as it is possible to see disruptions in cortisol curves, disruptions in melatonin curves may be noted and are influenced by several factors. For instance, declines in melatonin levels are seen with age, blue light exposure (as commonly emitted by TV and computer screens), and some medications including benzodiazepines and antihypertensives (beta blockers). Some antidepressants and anti-psychotics may shift melatonin curves, as can strenuous exercise. Melatonin supplementation can be particularly useful for people who engage in shift work or are jet lagged.