Qualifications-and-Licensing Qualifications-and-Licensing
Qualifications and Licensing Qualifications and Licensing

Qualifications and Licensing

Doctor's Data is a federally licensed CLIA laboratory with appropriate state certifications and licenses. We participate in quality assurance and proficiency testing programs including those offered by the College of American Pathology (CAP), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), New York State Department of Health, Le Centre de Toxicologie du Quebec and others.


Licenses and Certifications

American Proficiency Institute Certificate PDF
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) Certificate #14D0646470.

Categories: Routine Chemistry, Toxicology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology and General Immunology.
College of American Pathologists

DEQAS Vitamin D Certificate

EQUIP Certificate

European Commission Joint Research Center Validated Supplier for Trace Elements PDF
New York State Department of Health PFI #5449.

Categories: Clinical Chemistry (routine), Toxicology (Blood Lead), Mycology, Parasitology and Hematology.
Maryland Department of Health Laboratory Permit #795.

Categories: Clinical Chemistry (routine), Toxicology (Blood Lead, Heavy Metals), Microbiology, Bacteriology, Mycology and Parasitology.
Ohio Department of Health Laboratory Approval #C10074. PDF
Pennsylvania Department of Health Clinical Laboratory Permit, Lab ID Number 031847. PDF
State of California Clinical Laboratory License, CLIA Number 14D0646470. PDF
State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - License #LC000421. PDF