materials-and-Resources materials-and-Resources
Materials and Resources

Our scientific staff members are frequently asked to speak at professional events and offer perspectives on emerging research findings. We hope you find these presentations and papers helpful in your own practice.

Assessment of Gastrointestinal Terrain and Function
Assessment of Nutritional Status in a Toxic Environment
Clinical Utility of Salivary and Urinary Hormone Testing
Doctor's Data 2023 Antibiogram: Empirical Data for Bacteria and Yeast
Doctor's Data 2022 Antibiogram: Empirical Data for Bacteria and Yeast
Doctor's Data 2022 Antibiogram: Empirical Data for Bacteria and Yeast (White Paper)
Gastrointestinal Barrier Integrity: Food Sensitivities and Autoimmune Conditions
GI360: Posters and Abstracts
GI360: Publications
High concentrations of lead and barium in hair of the rural population caused by water pollution in the Thar Jath oilfields in South Sudan
Improving Your Health with Iodine
Identifying Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity with Minimally Invasive Testing
Melatonin Supplementation in Children: A Narrative Review of Indications, Safety, and Potential Long-Term Effects
Noninvasive Biomarkers of Gastroinestinal Inflammation: The Superior Monoclonal Calprotectin Assay
Laboratory Detection of Intestinal Dysbiosis
Parasitology and Biomarkers for Assessment of Gastrointestinal Health and Function
Patterns and Clues on the Neurobiogenic Amines profile
Specialty Testing for Womens Health
Test and Address: The Clinical Importance of Direct Assessment of Gut Microbial Abundance and Diversity
Testing for Vulnerability to Toxic Effects of Xenobiotics
The Standards of Practice in Clinical Laboratory Testing: Microbiology, Mycology and Susceptibility Testing
Toxic Metals and Chemical Sensitivity
We Are What We Think: Downregulating the Chronic Stress Response

*Content is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on scientific literature and experience of Doctor's Data Scientific Support staff and guest experts; it is not a recommendation for the treatment of a specific patient. Treating physicians are responsible for determining proper treatment options based upon factors including, but not limited to laboratory analysis, physical exams, symptoms, patient histories, and most importantly, the physician's own judgment.

Biomarkers of Gastrointestinal Inflammation: Calprotectin, Lactoferrin, Lysozyme

Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity

GI Pathogen Profile, Multiplex PCR


Hair Toxic Elements


PCR, MALDI-ToF and Parasitology Identification Library


Plasma Methylation

Stool Toxic Metals

Urine Elements


*Content is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on scientific literature and experience of Doctor's Data Scientific Support staff and guest experts; it is not a recommendation for the treatment of a specific patient. Treating physicians are responsible for determining proper treatment options based upon factors including, but not limited to laboratory analysis, physical exams, symptoms, patient histories, and most importantly, the physician's own judgment.

GI Health


Toxic and Essential Elements



Environmental Exposure and Detoxification

*Content is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on scientific literature and experience of Doctor's Data Scientific Support staff and guest experts; it is not a recommendation for the treatment of a specific patient. Treating physicians are responsible for determining proper treatment options based upon factors including, but not limited to laboratory analysis, physical exams, symptoms, patient histories, and most importantly, the physician's own judgment.


HuMap Clinical and Therapeutic Considerations

HPA Axis Support

HPA Axis (Adrenal) Dysfunction

Adrenal Treatment Considerations

Allopregnenalone for Mood, Brain, and HPA Axis Support

Progesterone vs Progestin

Estrogen Dominance is Really Progesterone Deficiency

Considerations for Addressing Insulin Resistance & Metabolic Syndrome

Testosterone Studies Warrant Closer Look


DHEA/Cortisol Ratio

Hormone Symptom Key for Women

Hormone Symptom Key for Men

Salivary Cortisol Vs. Urinary Cortisol


Pooled Tube

Testing Schedule

Best Practices for Salivary Hormone Specimen Collection

Best Practices for Urinary Hormone Specimen Collection

Steroid Hormone Cascade

Transdermal Dosage Considerations


Best Practices for Specimen Collection

Dietary Recommendations for Neurotransmitter Testing

Functional Assessment of Neuro-Biogenic Amines

Neurotransmitter Pathways

Neurotransmitter Connection to Premenstrual Syndrome

Neurotransmitter Fact Sheet

Neurotransmitter Imbalances and Mood Disorders

Neurotransmitter Disruption and Adrenal Dysfunction

Neurotransmitter Support Supplementation Considerations

*Content is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on scientific literature and experience of Doctor's Data Scientific Support staff and guest experts; it is not a recommendation for the treatment of a specific patient. Treating physicians are responsible for determining proper treatment options based upon factors including, but not limited to laboratory analysis, physical exams, symptoms, patient histories, and most importantly, the physician's own judgment.

*Content is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on scientific literature and experience of Doctor's Data Scientific Support staff and guest experts; it is not a recommendation for the treatment of a specific patient. Treating physicians are responsible for determining proper treatment options based upon factors including, but not limited to laboratory analysis, physical exams, symptoms, patient histories, and most importantly, the physician's own judgment.