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Archived Newsletters
A Functional Approach to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) | 1/28/2025
Uncovering the Impact of Prescription Drugs on Women's Nutrition and Mental Health | 2/25/2025
Comparing Cortisol Testing in Saliva and Urine | 11/26/2024
Best Practices for Specimen Collection - Hormone Supplementation | 10/29/2024
Lead Astray: New Sources of Lead Exposure as an Ongoing Threat | 09/24/2024
The Risks of Oral Estrogens; Exploring Safer Alternatives | 08/27/2024
Polyphenols and the Microbiome: A Necessary "Non-Nutrient" | 07/30/2024
Long-Term Effects of Hormone Therapy on Ovarian Cancer Incidence and Mortality: Insights from the WHI Trials | 06/25/2024
Estrogen Metabolism and Prostate Health: Treatment Approaches for Functional Medicine Providers | 05/28/2024
ACOG Modernizes its Perspective on Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer | 04/30/2024
Targeting Estrogen Metabolism and the Gut Microbiome to Support Endometriosis | 03/26/2024
New Testosterone Trial in Men (TRAVERSE) Promising for Cardiovascular Health | 02/29/2024
The Microbial World of the Breast: Exploring Its Distinctive Terrain in Wellness and Illness | 01/30/2024
Serum Steroid Hormone Testing Enough Evidence to Challenge the Status Quo? | 01/04/2024
Feeding the Microbiome for Optimal Health - Got Beans? | 11/28/2023
Clearing up common misconceptions about transdermal hormones and how to monitor therapy | 10/31/2023
Strategies to Modulate the Aromatase Enzyme | 9/26/2023
FDA Approves First Oral Postpartum Depression Treatment Targeting GABA-A Receptors | 8/30/2023
Opill: The First FDA Approved OTC Birth Control Pill | 8/1/2023
16-OH E1 A Key Player in Bone Density | 6/26/2023
How Plants Support Estrogen Metabolism | 5/30/2023
What's the Link Between Bone Health and Hormones? | 4/25/2023
A Gut Microbiome Alternative to Injectables for Weight Loss | 3/28/2023
Acne Vulgaris in Adult Women: Clinical Understanding Through an Altered Androgenic Lens | 2/28/2023
Home Grown Brassica Sprouts: Provision of the Beneficial Phytochemicals Without Thallium | 2/1/2023
The Gut Microbiome and Sleep Physiology | 11/29/2022
Neuroendocrine Testing to Close the Gap in Mental Health Care | 10/25/2022
Can Hormone Therapy Help Prevent Dementia in Women? | 09/27/2022
Strategies for Increasing Gastrointestinal Butyrate | 08/30/2022
Estrogen Metabolism and Breast Health | 07/27/2022
What GI Bacterial Strain is the Best for Overall Human Health? | 6/30/2022
Hormone Therapy and Endometrial Protection - Part 2 | 6/7/2022
Hormone Therapy and Endometrial Protection - Part 1 | 6/3/2022
The Elevated GGT Paradox and Liposomal-GSH | 4/26/2022
Back to the Basics - Exercise and Sleep | 3/29/2022
The Second Brain and Depression | 2/22/2022
Uncovering DHEA's Effects on Mood and Neurotransmission | 1/25/2022
The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Quandary: Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity | 12/15/2021
Stress-Related Hair Loss: Hair Follicle Stem Cells on Strike | 11/23/2021
Addressing the Second Brain; Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Colonic Serotonin | 11/17/2021
Foods To Avoid When Testing Neurotransmitters | 10/26/2021
Is elevated 5-HIAA a concern? | 9/28/2021
Manganese-induced Parkinsonism: Taurine as an Adjunctive Treatment? | 9/14/2021
Gut Bacteria and GABA | 8/17/2021
Female Pattern Hair Loss, What to Do? | 8/3/2021
Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Hyperlipidemias: A Better Moustrap? | 7/21/2021
A Cup of Tea Delivers L-Theanine to Your Emotional Rescue! | 7/6/2021
Metabolic Flexibility as a Marker of Health | 6/22/2021
Maximizing Muscle Mass During Andropause | 6/8/2021
Clearing Up Confusion: Melatonin Dosing | 5/12/2021
Melatonin - The Swiss Army Knife Among Antioxidants | 4/28/2021
Irregular Cycles: Best Practices for Salivary Specimen Collection Timing | 4/13/2021
Bone Resorption: Nutritional, Endocrine and Environmental Considerations | 4/7/2021
Managing Depression as an Inflammatory Condition | 3/17/2021
Lead and Your French Fries | 3/10/2021
Best Practices: Antibiotics and Neurotransmitter Testing | 2/17/2021
Antimicrobial Resistance & the Future of Medicine | 2/1/2021
The Pill and Potential Link to Mood Concerns | 1/20/2021
Rising incidence of Type 1 diabetes and subsequent hyperandrogenism | 12/29/2020
Depression as an Immune Response | 12/8/2020
The COVID-19 Lockdown Link to Depression, Nutritional Deficiency and Obesity - What Can Be Done | 11/23/2020
GI Dysbiosis - Revisited and Readily Identified | 11/12/2020
Is PCOS an Autoimmune Disease? | 10/27/2020
ADHD Toxic Element Exposure Essential Elements and Fatty Acid Status | 10/13/2020
Dispelling 3 Common Misconceptions About PCOS | 9/29/2020
Expansion of visceral Adiposity and Cardiometabolic Disorders | 9/15/2020
Mental Health Concerns Amplified in 2020 | 09/01/2020
A gut Microbiota Approach to Psoriasis | 08/18/2020
Supporting Libido and Sexual Desire | 08/03/2020
Nickel Allergy, Adiposity and Metabolic Syndrome A Nickel Dysbiosis | 07/23/2020
Non-nutritive Sweeteners, Obesogenic Dysbiosis and Metabolic Disruption | 07/07/2020
Allopregnanolone for mood, brain, and HPA axis support | 6/23/2020
Mode of Delivery Matters: the wide-reaching health effects of topical versus oral estrogen | 6/9/2020
An Apple a Day in the Gut: Polyphenols and Gut Bacteria | 5/27/2020
The Influence of Hormones on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis | 5/12/2020
Gastrointestinal Dysbiosis Impacts Immune Function | 4/28/2020
Melatonin: Immune-Modulating Role in COVID-19? | 4/14/2020
GUS Activity, Diet and Low IQ | 3/31/2020
HPA Axis and Immunity: Why it's a Good Time to Modulate Stress | 3/18/2020
Best Practices for Salivary Specimen Collection | 3/3/2020
Coffee, Estrogen and Health: What?s the consensus? | 2/18/2020
Belly Fat: A dangerous place for unwanted pounds | 2/4/2020
Urinary Neurotransmitter Testing: Spot vs 24 hour collections | 1/22/2020
Glycine: Another Tool for the Hormone and Sleep Balancing Kit | 12/3/2019
Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: Behavior and Dimentia Implications | 11/12/2019
Estrogen and Brain Function: Mental Clarity Through Menopause | 10/29/2019
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Microbial Profiling and Fecal Microbiota Transplantation | 10/16/2019
Gut Brain Axis: An Evolving Understanding of Depression and Anxiety | 10/01/2019
Cannabidiol and Neurotransmitters | 09/03/2019
GI Microbial Profiling & Hypertension | 09/18/2019
Russian roulette with certain gadolinium "bullets" | 8/20/2019
Seasonal Shifts and Sleep Quality | 8/06/2019
Is Stress Affecting Your Microbiome? | 7/23/2019
Secretory IgA and Oral Health | 7/09/2019
Sensitivity and Specificity | 6/25/2019
World Health Organization Recognizes Burnout as a Legitimate Syndrome | 6/11/2019
The Green Drink Conundrum: Potential Thallium Exposure and Neurological Risks | 5/29/2019
Monitoring HPA axis when treating inflammatory conditions | 5/14/2019
Potential Systemic Toxic Effects of Cobalt from Hip Prostheses | 4/30/2019
Melatonin as a Potential Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) | 4/16/2019
Autoimmune Arthritic Patients have Increased Risks for Cardiovascular Disease and Metabolic Syndrome | 4/02/2019
Progesterone as a Potential Tool in Assisting Recovery from Drug Addiction | 3/19/2019
High-dose γ-tocopherol supplementation may facilitate control of eosinophilic asthma | 3/5/2019
Cannabis and Hormone Balance in Men | 2/20/2019
Progesterone Influences Vitamin D and the Immune Response | 2/06/2019
Dietary Choices Can Delay or Hasten the Onset of Menopause | 1/23/2019
The Weight Loss New Year's Resolution: Using intermittent fasting and hormone testing to help motivate your patients | 1/9/2019
What's cooking? How to improve saliva production for sample collection | 12/28/2018
A Fragrant Way to Support Mental Health | 12/12/2018
Sugar Can Decrease Testosterone Levels in Men | 11/28/2018
Histamine in Urine: Common Misconceptions | 11/14/2018
Dysbiosis: An Independent Risk Factor for Anxiety | 11/1/2018
Progesterone and Bone Health | 10/17/2018
Food-as-Medicine for Management of Anxiety | 10/4/2018
Unlocking the Wisdom of Waking: the Cortisol Awakening Response may be the missing link | 9/26/2018
Back to School Means Back to Sleep! | 9/5/2018
Phenylethlyamine (PEA): a biomarker for ADHD | 8/22/2018
Tribulus Terrestris: A botanical option for addressing sexual dysfunction | 8/8/2018
Natural Support for Women on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) | 7/25/2018
Introducing Labrix Comprehensive Neurotransmitter Profile | 7/11/2018
Estrogen, Progesterone and the Thyroid: Friends or Foes? | 6/27/2018
How Belly Fat Creates Too Much of the Wrong Hormones | 6/13/2018
Stress: At the Heart of the Matter | 5/30/2018
Strategies for Patient Stress | 5/16/2018
Adrenal Mythbusters Part 2: DHEA Supplementation and Cortisol Levels, Dried Urine Accuracy | 5/2/2018
Adrenal Mythbusters Part 1: Adrenal Fatigue and Pregnenolone Steal | 4/19/2018
Too much of a Good Thing? Oversleeping may be Linked with Breast Cancer Recurrence | 4/4/2018
Endometriosis: A Disorder of Estrogen Dominance | 3/21/2018
A Case of Mistaken Identity: Progestin vs. Progesterone | 3/7/2018
Implications of Delaying Fertility | 2/22/2018
Manage Workplace Stress and Improve HPA Axis Dysfunction | 2/7/2018
Secretory IgA | 1/25/2018
Alcohol Consumption May Increase Breast Cancer Risk | 1/10/2018
To Pee or Not to Pee? | 12/27/2017
Introducing 3 New Analytes in your Neurotransmitter Profiles | 12/6/2017
GABA: An Emerging Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes | 11/22/2017
Enhancing Testosterone without Testosterone | 11/8/2017
Promoting Healthy Estrogen Pathways to Reduce Risk
for Ovarian Cancer | 10/10/2017
Methylation and Mood Support | 9/20/2017
Phenibut is an Effective Treatment Tool, but Must be Used with Caution | 9/7/2017
New Dietary Guidelines for Neurotransmitter Testing | 8/17/2017
Serotonin and Hot Flashes | 8/2/2017
Rhodiola: More than an Adaptogen | 7/19/2017
To Nap or Not to Nap? | 7/6/2017
Celebrate Father's Day by Spreading Men's Health Awareness | 6/14/2017
Childhood Stress can Influence Adult Disease | 5/31/2017
Tick Tock: Time Restricted Feeding and the Metabolic Circadian Clock | 5/11/2017
Dynamic Duo: Blood Sugar & Neurotransmitter Secretion | 4/26/2017
Does Daylight Savings Have you Feeling out of Sync? Go Outside! | 4/13/2017
Less is More; Spring Cleaning for Improved Health | 3/15/2017
Depression May Be an Underlying Sign of Inflammation | 3/1/2017
Stress is not Sexy! | 2/16/2017
Show Your Heart Health Some Love | 2/02/2017
Weight Loss & Hormone Imbalance: The Missing Link | 1/18/2017
Oral Contraceptives, Depression and Nutrient Depletion | 1/5/2017
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